OK OK OK jeez.
Welcome to my profile. Trespassers will be shot.
Age 33, Female
AbortionClinic Nurse
StatenIslandOfMis fitToys
Joined on 6/27/07
OK OK OK jeez.
damn straight!
PS. dont get raped in ng jail. i heard its horrible. but i got solitary sdo i wouldnt know personally
also, looks like me and you get out at the same time. i say we go celebrate and creat an e-drinking thread xD
yeah, i guess were pretty bad-ass now aren't we?
btw I'm the one the other inmates have to worry about! ^ ^(see my banner?)
Hahaha, thats sucks. I never get baned anymore for some reason :P
Now do <strong>YOU</strong> need a hug?
yes, yes i do.
(i was honestly not trying to get banned today, look at my posts from yesterday, i wasn't even given a slap on the wrist!)
Wtf? No html on comments? Lame.
yeah, i know.
(well i accidentally posted a link on your thing)
Say what!Way to hop on the banned wagon.
i guess i'm just a hardened criminal now
and now a comment from your partner in crime:
I can't beleive it! what we did yesterday...was..................yeah ...SPAMARCHY. At least we have pm's. i just hope you don't get deleted....then why would i come to NG?
yeah ummmmm..... i think this was more of a you had it cuming ban
i cant see any banners T_T ng does not compute with me.
i cant upload any pictures either. the ones i have uploaded (profile and sig were done at an internet cafe)
yeah, there's a topic about that in the forums, but i'm to fuckin retarded to understand the explanation as to how to fix it.
I just noticed that the woman from the first picture looks like someone i used to knows mom.
ummmm... that sentince could use some work. care to take another shot at it? :D
plz send me url :3
no, you have to come here to get it
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/751204
do you have a pop-up blocker softwarez or mcafee or norton anti-virus?
ha,ha! remains of an old conversation!
The woman in the picture, from the first link saying "i got banned!" looks like an old friends mother... Hows that!? :P
i stalk everyone you ever come into contact with
oh, sorry to hear that alice, no wonder why the forums fucking suck ass today!
why hullo thar. yes your banner is there. and im so sorry that i couldnt help you with unlocking the new potential of ng :'(
PS - find someone with norton (version same as you) that can view banners :O
naw, i'm to lazy.
ps: soon, we shall be unbanned and RECLAIM THE MOTHERFUCKING FORUMS AS OUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they will be mine... OH YES! THEY WILL BE MINE
i will come back wielding the fresh new powers of... PICTURE SPAM!!!
they'll never see it coming.. fuckers D:
they are merely sheep awaiting the slaughter!
waw! those are some spiffy links you've got there alice!
I have a clash poster =3
London calling =3
ha, ha!
my whole room is completely wallpapered with posters!
(stop the cat box)
If you want to heard my full ban history go post in my profile now.
That's bullsh*t.
Why the hell do I get banned for posting in a spam thread?
uuuugggggghhhhh i know.........you should have seen what i didn't get banned for!
hey alice, im so glad you're not banned anymore! and i thought id say it before you said it to yourself!
qw3r khq234uiwyw3985yuer6u45ey6&OKgfo9 89p--]]\]plj,bnktr645r6Q#5tyhHykM :?p-T&^&4e776Ot7u*569*o0*p)O[0]-=
oh HELLZ yeah!
comment me bitch!