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Age 33, Female

AbortionClinic Nurse

StatenIslandOfMis fitToys

Joined on 6/27/07

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Did you make them call you April O' Neil?

You bet your sweet ass I do!

Copypasta es copypasta.

It suuuuure es.

I love me brick! >:C

Also, volosto sas putana. ;)

Two Tablespoons of cinnamon, and 2 or 3 eggwhites
A-Half a stick of butter, meeeelted..
Stick it all in a bowl baby, Stir it with a wooden spoon
Mix in a Cup of Flour, you'll be in heaven soon
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick-me-up
Just stick my balls in your mouth!
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls,
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
They're packed full of vitamins, and good for you,
So suck on My balls!

Quarter cup of unsweeted chocolate, and half cup of brandy
Then throw in a bag or two of sugar, and just a pinch of vanilla
Grease up the cookiesheet, cos I hate when my balls stick
Then Preheat the oven to 350°(tree-fitty), and give that spoon a lick
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick-me-up
Just stick my balls in your mouth...
Ooh, Suck on my chocolate salty balls
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
they're packed full of goodness, high in Fiber
[Chocolate Salty Balls lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Suck on My balls!

[sniff sniff] Hey, wait a minute, what's that smell?
Smells like something burning
Well, that don't confront me none
As long as I get my rent paid on the Friday.
Baby you'd better get back in the Kitchen..
Cos i've gotta Sneaking Suspicion..
Oh man baby, baby! You just burnt my balls!

Someone help me, my balls are on fire!
Get some ice baby! My balls are Burning!
Give some water, pour some water on me!
My Balls are burning!
Oh my goodness, Blow on em, Blow on em, do something!
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls
Put em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
Put em out baby, Blow em!
Suck on my balls, baby! Suck on my balls Baby!
Suck on my red hot, salty, chocolate balls
Put em out baby, hoo, hoo
Suck on my balls...

copied an pasted. >:(

I remember having a dream where I cut off my right hand (again) and then tried to eat it.

"Severed limbs is no excuse for poor table manners" I was told.

Wait, what penis?

ROFL Turtle Yiff.

so turtles makes you horny, huh?

Tonight, I dine on turtle soup!

God damn, that first link was scary

Oh yeah, the turtles are gettin' it on, oh yeah, oh yeah,

Get it on, oh yeah yeah eyah yeah yeyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lol, what is up with you and always having these weird sex new posts.
Your like gagsy; Well at least yours is just animals...

I also heard that you're a big ijguasdjgfujsdgjung.

That's french for sifhsufshfudfasuf.

That's english for sfnhasfniasfninafjaf.

You might need a translator or something for that one because I don't know what that is in american. =(

I´m baaaack! and with love :)

hey douchebag. go on msn. i have your signature graphic all ready >:]


Bow chicka bow wow!

I read all your lovely comments, but I ....I'm just to damn busy watching turtle porn to respond.

Now that you got that off your back, what was it you wanted to confess?

I have 3 breasts

wait your a guy?