i got banned!
"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 14 hours, 4 minutes and 54 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(insert porno music).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.
Please read the BBS rules. "
has anyone seen some of the retarded shit i've done on the forums?
2 hostile take overs
one i declared a state of caturday, the other a WMD party.
and for this i get banned?
tee hee, some mods probably gonna read this and i'll have screwed myself over!
GODDAMN ADHD! NOW WHAT AM I GONNA DO... oh yeah, what newgrounds was designed for!
"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 8 hours, 16 minutes and 19 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(tee hee!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.
Please read the BBS rules. "
another update
"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 7 hours, 12 minutes and 54 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(awww yeah!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.
Please read the BBS rules. "
"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 5 hours, 58 minutes and 42 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(woo hoo!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.
Please read the BBS rules. "
how can you get banned for one days?
i finds a mod pic!
i am sid vicious
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
You cunt, I´m a proud queer
I´ll state my case, of which I´m certain
I´ve lived a life that´s full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, I´ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did, what I had to do
And saw it through with out exemption
I planned each chartered course
Each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
There were times, I´m sure you knew
When there was fuck fuck fuck-all else to do
But through it all, when there was doubt
I shot it up or kicked it out
I faced the wall and the world
And did it my way
I've laughed and been a snake
I´ve had my fill, my share of losing
And now, the tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think, I killed a cat
And may I say, not in a straight way
Oh no, oh no not me
I did it my way
For what is a brat, what has he got
When he wears hats and he cannot
Say the things he truly feels
But only the words, of one who kneels
The record shows, I fucked a bloke
And did it my way (sarcasm)
for the love of gOD, this is not safe for work and you should not click on it!
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..hey LOOK the smilies have names!
.......so anyway....i'm not banned no mores(god save the forums)but i'm keeping this up for awlie cause i worked hard on it.