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Age 33, Female

AbortionClinic Nurse

StatenIslandOfMis fitToys

Joined on 6/27/07

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alicetheDroog's News

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 24th, 2007

This post is about links(they may not all be safe for work).
It's a work in progress.

If you have any links you'd like to see here, leave them in a comment.
I'll putting random text in here, so I can make the characters links.
Can you read this?

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you don't like clowns, do NOT click the"o" in about, or the first period!
.....shit, my doctor thinks I have scoliosis!

{no one promised you it wouldn't be disturbing}

EDIT: something's fucked up, and I can't see any comments!

link me!

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 24th, 2007

i'm going to a gourmet chocolate factory, AND YOU'RE NOT!

awww yeah!

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 22nd, 2007

gay sex.

hey, look.

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 20th, 2007

i got banned just 'cuz i'm a zombie.

(links may be nsfw)

NG is zombie-ist!

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 17th, 2007

Ding-a-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling-l ing!


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
I've got this feeling, so appealing,
for us to get together and sing. Sing!

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding donana phone
It grows in bunches, I've got my hunches,
It's the best! Beats the rest!
Cellular, Modular, Interactivodular!

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone
It's no baloney, it ain't a p(h)ony
My cellular bananular phone!

Don't need quarters, don't need dimes,
to call a friend of mine!
Don't need computer or TV,
to have a real good time!
I'll call for pizza. I'll call my cat.
I'll call the white house, have a chat!
I'll place a call around the world, operator get me Beijing

(Soprano Sax Solo)

Play that thing!
(Piano Solo)

Whooo Hooo!

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Yin yang yin yang yin yang ying yonana phone
It's a real live mama and papa phone,
a brother and sister and a dogaphone,
a grandpa phone and a grandma phone too! Oh Yeah!
My cellular, bananular phone!

Banana phone, ring ring ring!
(It's a phone with a peel!)
Banana phone, ring ring ring!
(Now you can have your phone and eat it too!)
Banana phone, ring ring ring!
(This song drives me, Bananas!)
Banana phone, ring ring ring!



Posted by alicetheDroog - August 17th, 2007

i'm making a new post.
it is a temporary post.

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 10th, 2007

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 9th, 2007

"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 3 days. You have 2 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes and 54 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Despite what you may think, posting "{not spam}" is spam. See you in 3 days. - mightypotato

Please read the BBS rules. "



damn, i thought it was in context, oh well.

well, atleast i'm trying.

Posted by alicetheDroog - August 8th, 2007

why was i locked out of my account, not given an explanation as to why, then all of a sudden, it's open again?!?!


Posted by alicetheDroog - August 5th, 2007

i got banned!

"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 14 hours, 4 minutes and 54 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(insert porno music).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Please read the BBS rules. "

has anyone seen some of the retarded shit i've done on the forums?
2 hostile take overs
one i declared a state of caturday, the other a WMD party.


and for this i get banned?
tee hee, some mods probably gonna read this and i'll have screwed myself over!

GODDAMN ADHD! NOW WHAT AM I GONNA DO... oh yeah, what newgrounds was designed for!

"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 8 hours, 16 minutes and 19 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(tee hee!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Please read the BBS rules. "

another update

"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 7 hours, 12 minutes and 54 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(awww yeah!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Please read the BBS rules. "


"ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 5 hours, 58 minutes and 42 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: Posting in a spam thread, entitled masturbation(woo hoo!).... This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Please read the BBS rules. "


how can you get banned for one days?


i finds a mod pic!


i am sid vicious
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
You cunt, I´m a proud queer
I´ll state my case, of which I´m certain
I´ve lived a life that´s full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets, I´ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did, what I had to do
And saw it through with out exemption
I planned each chartered course
Each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

There were times, I´m sure you knew
When there was fuck fuck fuck-all else to do
But through it all, when there was doubt
I shot it up or kicked it out
I faced the wall and the world
And did it my way

I've laughed and been a snake
I´ve had my fill, my share of losing
And now, the tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think, I killed a cat
And may I say, not in a straight way
Oh no, oh no not me
I did it my way

For what is a brat, what has he got
When he wears hats and he cannot
Say the things he truly feels
But only the words, of one who kneels
The record shows, I fucked a bloke
And did it my way

for the love of gOD, this is not safe for work and you should not click on it!



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..hey LOOK the smilies have names!
.......so anyway....i'm not banned no mores(god save the forums)but i'm keeping this up for awlie cause i worked hard on it.

Exile Is Sexy!